Spaceshipless Mac OS

Spaceshipless Mac OS

May 11 2021

Spaceshipless Mac OS

Enjoy the ride on your spaceship and eat up everything in the space city with it. You have a small UFO who has to swallow all the objects in the grand city. My current DesktopI have installed the SlicknesS Desktop Theme, Black-White 2 Icon Set, on the right side conky system monitor, embeded console on the lef side.

Spaceshipless mac os x

Spaceshipless Mac Os Update

Spaceshipless mac os catalina
1) boot your Mac from your OSX install DVD
2) choose your language and then 'ignore' (cancel) the installation
3) from the Top Menu (Utilities) start Disk Utility (DU)
4) in DU click on your harddisk (not any partition) in the left pane (the first item listed)
5) in the right pane use the 'Partition'-Tab
6) Drag the partition separator line until it encompasses the entire drive and then select apply.
7) Quit Disk Utility
8) reboot your Mac from your harddisk.
This procedure only works with OSX 10.5 Leopard or 10.6 Snow Leopard.
Since you are 'fumbling' with your OSX partition you should consider having/making a backup of it before trying the a.m. procedure. Just in case.

Spaceshipless Mac Os Catalina

Spaceshipless Mac Os X

Apr 4, 2011 5:22 AM

Spaceshipless Mac OS

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